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Claremont High School Academy

Health, Social and Child Care

Head of Department: Ms J Whitmore

Welcome to the Health and Social Care Page. Health and Social Care follows the OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1 / 2 Certificate and is taught from KS4 for students that select this subject in their Y9 option choices. The course is graded slightly different to GCSE's however, it is a highly recognised vocational programme and equivalent to GCSE's. Throughout the course students will learn specialist skills and knowledge needed to work in various care settings. Students will be assessed in a range of ways which include, coursework, exams and a practical component. This will give students the opportunity to enhance the wider variety of skills needed within the care industry. Students who study the course often go on to further education to specialise one of the career paths below.

Curriculum Intent

This qualification recognises and gives equal opportunities through vocational education to significantly benefit students that perform better when examinations are not the only form of assessment criteria. This course is assessed with a more holistic approach with 60% coursework outcome and 40% examination outcome.

There is an ever growing increased demand for more skilled employees within health, social and child care industries. This qualification starts to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to have a successful career in care setting sectors and prepares them for further education and specialised apprenticeship opportunities. 

On competition of studying Health and Social Care at Key Stage 4 students will have enhanced their ability to communicate effectively through the implementation of a person centred approach to meet individual needs and follow the care principles. Furthermore, students will understand life stages, the impacts of expected and unexpected life events and the support networks available. Moreover, students will understand the importance of Public Health and appreciate how promotion campaigns can improve societies health and wellbeing. The qualification will not only have enhanced subject specific knowledge and understanding, but it will also of developed a range of skills to assist in success for other studied subjects and the workplace. At the end of Y11 students will have enhanced their exam technique, assignment writing, problem solving, creative thinking and presentation skills. Furthermore, pupils will have started their journey to become more independent learners in preparation for higher education. They will be able to demonstrate their ability to effectively plan, research and reference, which are all required skills for Key Stage 5 and beyond.  

Key Stage 3

Although this subject is not taught at Key Stage 3, students will transfer knowledge, skills and understanding from PSHE units when commencing their Health and Social Care studies at Key Stage 4. 

Key Stage 4

Cambridge National in Health and Social Care introduces you to the specialist knowledge and skills needed to work in various care settings. As part of the qualification, you’ll cover the principles of care, how to communicate effectively to build positive relationships, helping individuals find the support they need following life events, understand health and safety requirements as well as plan and deliver a health promotion campaign to improve public health of society.

Students will complete three units over the duration of two years and will be assessed via external examination and internally moderated coursework assignments.

The Units assessed by internally moderated coursework make up 60% of a students overall grade (each unit worth 30%). Coursework assignments are marked out of 60 and have both written and practical elements to the assessment.  The two coursework units are as follows:

RO33 Supporting individuals through life events

  • Life stages development from childhood into later adulthood
  • Impacts of expected and unexpected life events
  • Sources of supports

RO35 – Health promotion campaigns

  • Current public health issues and the impact on society
  • Factors influencing health and well being
  • Plan, create, deliver and evaluate a health promotion campaign

The external examination unit makes up the remaining 40% of a students overall grade. Students will have 1 hour 15 minutes to complete the paper with a maximum of 70 marks available. This examination is sat at the end of Y11 in May.

RO32 –  Principles of care exam unit

  • The rights of service users
  • Person-centred values
  • Effective communication
  • Protecting service users & service providers

Year 10 Curriculum

RO33 Supporting individuals through life events

RO35 – Health promotion campaigns

Y11 Curriculum:

RO35 – Health promotion campaigns

RO32 – Principles of care exam unit


More information for each of these units can be found at:


Key Stage 5

After studying OCR Level 1 / 2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care, students will have the opportunity to further study the subject here at Claremont High School, in Key Stage 5 with the OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technicals Extended Certificate.

Year 12 

Students will have an opportunity  to expand their knowledge in three different units. Students will advance knowledge learnt in the KS4 communications unit  focusing on different relationships that are within the health and social care sector. Students will be able to apply communication and relationship building skills in a practical way, considering how different factors, including context, can impact on the building of positive relationships. Students will also learn about the implications of diversity on practice as well as the effects of discriminatory practice on individuals who require care or support. Students will be able to further their knowledge on legislation and national initiatives that support and promote anti-discriminatory practice. The final unit students complete is about health, safety and security in health and social care. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to equip them in maintaining a safe working environment, consequences for breaking legislations put in place and how to respond to different incidents and emergencies within health and social care settings.

Year 12 Health and Social Care Scheme of Work

Cambridge Technicals Specification

Year 13

In the final school year students will complete one exam and two coursework units. Students will attain knowledge on the structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, and the malfunctions that may occur within these systems. Students will attain knowledge on different learning disabilities and possible causes.  They will examine how the lives of individuals with a learning disability are changing as attitudes and approaches to support evolve.  In the final unit students will investigate the history of public health including; initiatives put in place to protect and improve the health of the population, rather than focusing on the health of the individual. Students will develop an understanding of the various ways public health and well-being is promoted in order to benefit society as a whole and to reduce health inequalities. 

Year 13 Health and Social Care Scheme

Cambridge Technicals Specification


  • Guest Speakers from Health and Social Care Industry
  • Care home visit
  • Public Health campaigns workshop

Next Steps

Both these qualifications give students the platform to have the necessary entry requirements to study a Health and Social Care related undergraduate degree at university. Many students that have completed these qualifications here at Claremont High School have gone on to study Nursing, Medicine, Early years teaching, Health and Social Care or Psychology at university.

Students will develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations in the health and social care industry. This means that the qualification not only allows an avenue to further education, but also equips students to go straight into entry level jobs in the industry and apprenticeship opportunities.