Homework is an important part of the learning process and is set regularly in all departments.
We know by experience that students who are conscientious in their homework and take responsibility for working without supervision usually perform well in examinations.
Homework is intended to provide pupils with the opportunity to work independently, to consolidate or extend work covered in lessons and to develop the good habits required in later life. We set homework and expect it to be completed on time and to the best of ability. Homework may take many different forms such as: writing, reading, research and other learning tasks.
Pupils should expect the amount of homework to increase as they move through the Key Stages. We also expect the extent to which pupils include ‘independent learning’ in the form of ICT based, or other revision to increase, as pupils develop and take greater responsibility for their own learning.
We ask parents to work closely with staff by checking that homework is completed on time and that students have the opportunity to do homework in a quiet setting. Where ICT access is difficult we encourage pupils to make use of our new library which now provides a first class learning environment before and after the academy day.
Homework tips for parents / carers
- Check your child’s planner for their homework details every evening.
- Agree a homework routine with your son or daughter.
- Make it clear that other activities will be possible after homework is completed.
- Ensure that your child has a comfortable, warm and light place to work, away from distractions and disturbances.
Homework tips for pupils
- Write all your homework in your planner, including the date it is due to be completed by.
- Keep a record in your planner when you have completed a piece of homework.
- Plan ahead – make sure that you have all the books or worksheets that you need to complete the work.
- You will not usually be expected to hand in a piece of homework the next day, but doing it as soon as possible is a good idea.
- Pack your homework into your bag the night before it is due in. That way you will not forget it.
One of the keys to successful organisation and completion of homework is the use of the planner, which is why we place so much importance on this useful tool. The planner is a valuable channel of communication between home and school. If you wish to send a written message to a member of staff regarding homework or any other issue, please feel free to use the planner for this.
By supporting your child in his or her homework, you will be complementing the work completed in school and reinforcing an important part of the learning experience. Homework is the key to developing individual study skills and as such is an opportunity for pupils to increase their self-motivation and organisational skills.