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Claremont High School Academy

CTEC Health & Social Care

Head of Department

Ms Whitmore


CTEC Vocational Qualification (Cambridge Technicals) - Equivalent to one A Level

Exam Board

OCR Cambridge Technicals

Entry Requirements

To gain a place on the Level 3 Health & Social Care Extended Certificate applicants need to have English and Science GCSE graded 4 or above.

Why study this course

The quality of health care and social care services can have a profound impact on our lives and on the lives of our families, friends and carers. This course equips all students with the knowledge and practical skills required for employment in the Health, Social Care & Child Care Industry. The qualification is also about developing the behaviours and attributes needed to progress and succeed in education and in work. Students will not only develop specific skills for the care industries but also develop many life skills relevant for any future career pathway.

This course is suited to students who may not have achieved the entry requirements to study straight A Levels. This vocational qualification satisfies entry requirements for further education at university and can be studied alongside other vocational or A Level subjects. Good course combinations with Health and Social Care include A Level Sciences, A Level Psychology or CTEC Science.

Finally, this course offers an opportunity for students to study a course not only assessed with exams (worth 60% of overall grade), but also coursework units (worth 40% of overall grade).

Course Overview


Unit 1 Coursework Studied September to May in Y12.

Building positive relationships in health and social care – Moderated in June Y12

This unit aims to introduce you to the many different relationships that you will encounter within the health and social care sector; whether with colleagues, senior members of staff, other professionals within the sector or individuals who require care and support. By doing this unit you will apply communication and relationship building skills in a practical way, considering how different factors, including context, can impact on the building of positive relationships. You will also be introduced to the concept of the person-centred approach which will help with your relationship building skills.

Unit 01 - Building positive relationships in heakth and social care (ocr.org.uk) 

Unit 2 Exam studied September – January in Y12

Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care – Exam January of Y12

Exam paper 1 hour 30 minutes with maximum of 60 marks

This unit will help you to understand the implications of diversity on practice and the effects of discriminatory practice on individuals who require care or support. You will also gain an appreciation of how legislation and national initiatives can support and promote anti-discriminatory practice. Strategies used to promote equality, respect diversity and support individuals’ rights will be examined. You will develop your ability to recognise both good and discriminatory practice in care situations. You will develop your judgement and decision-making skills to choose appropriate responses to care situations and determine a course of action to promote the equality, diversity and rights of individuals in care settings.

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Health & Social Care Unit 2 Equality diversity and rights in health and social care (ocr.org.uk)

Unit 3 Exam studied January – May in Y12

Health, safety and security in health and social care – Exam May of Y12

Exam paper 1 hour 30 minutes with maximum of 60 marks

This unit introduces you to health, safety and security in health and social care. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to equip you in maintaining a safe working environment for yourself, your colleagues and individuals who require care and support. You will learn how legislation, policies and procedures work to reduce risks in health and social care and the consequences of not following them. You will also learn how to respond to different incidents and emergencies with health and social care settings.

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Health & Social Care Unit 3 Health, safety and security in health and social care (ocr.org.uk)

Unit 9 Coursework started and studied May – July of Y12

Supporting individuals with learning disabilities (Assignments P1, P2, P3, M1 D1)

People with learning disabilities make up a part of the community to whom we may provide care and support or live alongside. This unit will develop your understanding of learning disabilities and consider issues involved in providing support for people with a learning disability and their family. The unit explores the areas of inclusion, human rights, advocacy, empowerment and active participation. In this unit you will understand the term ’learning disability’ and will look at a range of different types and possible causes. You will examine how the lives of individuals with a learning disability are changing as attitudes and approaches to support evolve. Current best practice in providing support for people with learning disabilities includes issues such as where people live, how life opportunities are promoted, and how the individual can be supported to lead a full and active life. The unit will explore these areas with the emphasis being on taking a person-centred approach that focuses on the individual’s strengths, preferences and hopes, and on ways of enabling the individual to achieve their goals and ambitions.

Cambridge Technicals L3 Health and Social Care Unit 9 _ Supporting people with learning disabilities (ocr.org.uk)


Unit 4 Exam studied September – January of Y13  

Anatomy and Physiology – Exam January of Y13

Exam paper 2 hours with maximum of 100 marks

We eat, we breathe, and we control our bodies, as well as responding to the external environment, but why and how? This unit will help you to understand why these essential processes are so important in maintaining life. You will learn not only about the structure and function of some of the cells and tissues involved, but how they form organs and body systems that then must interact to ensure that the body can provide the conditions necessary for thought, co-ordination, movement and growth. This unit aims to introduce you to the basic structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, including cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. You will also understand the part played by organs such as the pancreas, liver and kidney. You will investigate the systems and organs involved in detecting and responding to change such as the nervous system as well as the eyes and ears. Unfortunately, things do go wrong, and each system has well-known diseases and disorders. Also, as individuals grow older, they are likely to be affected by malfunctions because of degeneration. Some of these will simply be inconvenient; others will be life changers. You will understand the effects on individuals and what must be done daily to enable them to lead as full and independent a life as possible.

Unit 4 - Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (ocr.org.uk)

Unit 9 Coursework continue completing all assignments January to March of Y13

Supporting individuals with learning disabilities (Assignments P4, P5 & M2)

Moderation of Unit 9 Coursework June of Y13

Cambridge Technicals L3 Health and Social Care Unit 9 _ Supporting people with learning disabilities (ocr.org.uk)

Unit 24 Coursework studied January to May of Y13

Public Health Coursework

Moderation of Unit 24 Coursework June of Y13

(Assignments P1, P2, P3, M1 and D1)

Health and wellbeing extend further than the individual and the implication of poor health has wider impacts on a community, area and even the country. So how is public health protected? There are many external factors to good health. Clean water and limiting pollution are just two factors that have an influence on our health. An individual cannot control this so who does? Why is public health important and why do you need to know about it? Public health is concerned with protecting and improving the health of the population, rather than focusing on the health of the individual. Through this unit you will develop an understanding of the ways public health and wellbeing is promoted to benefit society as a whole and to reduce health inequalities. You will gain an understanding of current public health strategies and initiatives and consider the effectiveness and the implications of health policy for the wider population. This unit draws from learning in units 3 and can be applied to develop a deeper understanding of both health and safety and infection control and the impact of this upon the health and wellbeing of individuals who require care and support.

Unit 24 Public health (ocr.org.uk)


Textbooks provided and loaned by school to support learning:

My Revision Notes: Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care: Hodder Education

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care: Hodder Education

Exam Grade Boundaries:

Distinction – 70% and above

Merit – 60% and above

Pass 40% and above


Individual points achieved for grade of unit:

30 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Units:

Unit 24 Public Health Coursework

60 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Units:

Unit 1 Coursework Building positive relationships in health and social care

Unit 2 Exam Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care

Unit 3 Exam Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care

Unit 9 Coursework Supporting individuals with learning disabilities

90 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Units:

Unit 24 Coursework Public Health

Overall points for all units combined to make final Grade:


  • Students will have guest speakers from care industry sharing their experiences and exciting potential career paths that students can take.
  • Students will visit local care home.

Future Pathways

On successful completion of this course, students will have the opportunity to further enhance their skills and knowledge by progressing on to university to study a health and social care or science-related degree (see suggestions below). Alternatively, students can apply for apprenticeships or could enter employment straight away with entry level jobs in the care industry.

University Courses:

  • BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing or BSc (Hons) Child Nursing
  • BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science
  • BSc (Hons) Midwifery
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling
  • BSc (Hons) Primary Early Years Teaching with QTS
  • BSc (Hons) Learning Disabilities Nursing
  • BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
  • BSc (Hons) Sports Science
  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
  • BSc (Hons) Social work
  • BSc (Hons) Public Health
  • BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy