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Claremont High School Academy

Physical Education

Head of Department: Mr L Peace

There are currently eight Physical Education (PE) teachers in the department, all of whom are committed, enthusiastic and dedicated to providing all students with the opportunity to experience a suitably broad and balanced PE curriculum. Students are given the chance to gain enjoyment and physical well-being out of sporting activity but are also presented with the opportunity to specialise and develop through our varied co-curricular sports programme.

We are proud to say that Claremont High School Academy is the first school in the borough to be awarded the afPE (Association for Physical Education) Quality Mark for Physical Education and School Sport.


At Claremont we are fortunate to have outstanding sports facilities which currently include:

  • 2 7-a-side floodlit 3G astroturf football pitches
  • 2 outdoor floodlit astroturf cricket nets
  • 2 full size outdoor netball courts
  • Gymnasium
  • Multi activity sports hall equipped for basketball, badminton, 5-a-side, cricket nets and netball
  • Outdoor table tennis tables


Curriculum Intent

Pupils are offered a wide range of practical activities and cover basic theory aspects regarding living a healthy and active lifestyle. By playing both team and individual sports, pupils develop fundamental motor skills, building confidence as well as developing the ability to work as part of a team, developing their social skills. Pupils begin to develop a resilience to setback and learn the values of sportsmanship, linked to SMSC development.

Pupils will be able to engage safely and successfully in a wide range of sports, identifying activities which they most enjoy and are therefore likely to continue. They will  also have a basic understanding on the importance of regular physical activity has on health, and some basic knowledge about fitness and training programmes in order to maintain, or improve, physical health.

Key Stage 3

Key stage 3 PE offers a broad curriculum of sporting activities for students, which allows them to develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. Students are given the opportunity to analyse a range of different situations and apply their own decisions. At Claremont, PE allows pupils to work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fair play and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.

The sports covered during KS3 lessons are:

Football Rugby Cricket
Hockey Netball Handball
OAA Fitness Athletics
Badminton Indoor Tennis Basketball
Gymnastics Volleyball Rounders


Pupils are assessed after each unit of work for each sport covered. This is based on assessment criteria relating to physical and technical abilities, as well as the knowledge, understanding and application of rules and tactics.


 Key Stage 4 


Pupils follow the  Edexcel syllabus covering topics such as the physiology of the human body, sport psychology, as well as exercise and training methods. Pupils are assessed in 3 practical sports (30%), sit two theory written exams (60%) and must produce a piece of written controlled assessment (10%). Click below to view an overview programme of study for Year 10 and Year 11.

Year 10

Year 11


Regular in-class assessment in both theory and practical will provide detailed information regarding pupil progress throughout the course. Formal assessment takes place at the end of Year 11, with pupils sitting two exam papers in May:

  • Paper 1: Fitness and Body Systems
  • Paper 2: Health and Performance

Pupils will also be assessed in three practical sports by an external moderator from the exam board (usually in April).


For further information from the exam board regarding the new specification, please click here.

 Key Stage 5


Studying A Level PE will give you a fascinating insight into the amazing world of sports performance. Pupils follow the AQA syllabus covering topics such as advanced anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, sport psychology and the history of sport. More information regarding the course can be found here, and on the 6th Form area of the school website.



Alongside our extensive co-curricular sports programme, there are opportunities to represent the school in regional and national competitions in a variety of sports such as football, basketball, netball, rugby, athletics, badminton, cricket and rounders.

There are annual residential sports tours in netball (UK based) and football (European based) as well as regular trips to more local sports facilities, such as Wembley Stadium.

Next Steps

A Level PE enables pupils to apply for higher education courses in sports science, sports management, healthcare, or exercise and health. It can also complement further study in subjects such as biology, human biology, physics, psychology, nutrition and sociology.

Career opportunities include:

  • PE Teaching
  • Personal Training
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Sports Rehabilitation / Physiotherapy
  • Nutritionist
  • Clinical Scientist
  • Sports Data Analyst
  • Sports Coach
  • Sports Journalist
  • Leisure Centre / Club Management